BJP MP from Bollywood superhit actor Sunny Deol did not break even after starting a political journey. He is also paying attention to his career as well as film career. For the past few years, Sunny Deol has not hit one single movie, but as MPs, he has increased his fees. Gurdaspur MP Sunny Deol had been working on his forthcoming movie for a long time but suddenly he gave a shock to the makers by raising the fees. After which forced Makers has shown him the way out of the film.
In fact, after becoming a MP, Sunny Deol was going to appear in the film 'Fateh Singh' for the first time. According to media reports, Sunny Deol has increased her fees to Rs 5 crore for 'Fateh Singh'. These fees are quite high according to the movie's budget. It is being told that a large part of the film is scheduled to be shot in London. Where cast and crew members along with a large number of local artists have to be casting as well. According to sources, there is also planning of heavy vfx for the film. Due to all this, spending of 15 to 18 crores on the rest of the department is set aside from fees for the film's make-up expenses. On the other hand, the increased fees of Sunny Deol have become a burden on the makers.
After a lot of thinking, now the makers decided that he can not afford to sing Sunny Deol for 'Fateh Singh', hence the film will now be made with another actor. Please tell that Fateh Singh is the dream project of Rajkumar Santoshi. The film 'Fateh Singh' is the story of youth migrating from Punjab to London.
The story of this movie is based on a hero who travels from Punjab to London. There, he starts working in a bomb defuse squad. In this film, the activities of a separatist organization will be shown. There is a lot of interest in the film, but it will be interesting to see that Sunny Deol's character is given to Bollywood actor in Fateh Singh or any new face will be seen in this film.
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Track Info:
Title: Wild Flower
Artist: Joakim Karud
Genre: Hip Hop & Rap
Mood: Happy
Wild Flower by Joakim Karud
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
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