
Vivi's Kitchen Garden 214: Timing the bean harvest & a meal made in the shed.

Vivi's Kitchen Garden 214: Timing the bean harvest & a meal made in the shed. It's the time of year to start keeping a close eye on all the beans......depending on how you intend to store them will dictate when to begin harvesting. I need to start harvesting the beans which I will freeze as 'demi-sec'. A long awaited treat is my reward for the day's work.....I prepare one of my favourite meals in the shed with produce harvested just seconds before.....

Living without a wage......a year (or more) of living off the land and making do & mending. Click subscribe to follow my journey.
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vivi gregory,organic gardening,living without a wage,harvesting beans,storing beans,bean harvest,demi sec,demi sec beans,Greek Salad,Koriatiki,

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