
About Worrying

About Worrying Today I’d like to share something I’m challenged with every single day.
Sometime along the way I became certified as a professional worrier especially since I became a mom. Always worrying about how things are going to work out. What is the outcome going to be? Is everybody safe? On and on and on…

What I work on every day is knowing that worrying is the single biggest waste of time and energy known to man. We are not assisting a positive outcome when worrying. It makes things more intense and dramatic than it needs to be. I encourage you not waste time worrying.

Take in the words of the very wise Bobby McFerrin:
“In your life will come some trouble. But if you worry, you will make it double. Don’t worry, be happy!”

That’s what I wish for us today. The universe has our back. Know it, trust it! Everything is going to be okay!


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