
Intolerant Antifa| Brown Berets Get Triggered By MAGA Hat and American Flag (1|2)

Intolerant Antifa| Brown Berets Get Triggered By MAGA Hat and American Flag (1|2) Warning: Freedom, Diversity of Ideas, Political Discourse is Triggering to Ill-informed Leftists...."This is what DEGENERACY looks like!" On Oct 13, 2019, my husband and I saw 'Close the Camps' protesters chanting and marching through the streets of Downtown San Diego. While walking around we purchased a [*trigger warning*] American flag from a gift shop and we decided to participate in our First Amendment rights, along-side the 'stunning and brave' comrades. I wanted to hear their highly informed worldviews and perhaps learn something about the benefits of socialism, so I convinced my husband to go to Waterfront Park and quietly listen to the speakers and possibly ask questions. Unfortunately for them, once we attempted to enter the park their intolerant and racist ideology was exposed and we were immediately surrounded by overweight, low IQ, masked cowards. The round one tried to get scrappy and misgendered me as a "Proud Boy" and they all said the typical comical antifa jargon. I went in with an open mind and genuine curiosity about their ideas but left with a bad taste in my mouth from their odor. (...No pun intended--because I was wearing my 'Bad Taste' movie tee, in case its visible at any point.)

TLDR: This was not an intentional antagonization, but based on their reaction, I regret nothing.

(on a serious note...)
*GENUINE APPRECIATION: There were TWO individuals who were willing to use their words (and not fists) to communicate, and help us better understand their agenda. It's unfortunate that both individuals were shut down and silenced by their own "comrades".
To those two people (Green "armband" guy and Discourse girl), I want to sincerely THANK YOU both for having a dialogue with us, because that is what America is about. I hope that one day your open-mindedness shines some light on the totalitarian cult that currently controls you. *

**I also appreciate the police for keeping us safe from the violent and anti-capitalist mob planning to assault us, after tirelessly staring us down for an hour. Thank you for protecting us. Tax dollars well spent!

intolerant,maga hat,brown beret,capitalism,abolish ice,close the camps,socialism,san diego border,comrades,protest,mobile journalism,

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