
20 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting Person in The Room || Amazing facts

20 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting Person in The Room || Amazing facts Sometimes it seems that you’ve seen so much in this life that nothing will be able to surprise you ever again. And then you accidentally overheard someone mentions something amazing, like the fact that A hummingbird's heart beats at the average rate of 1200 bear per minute and lost it! Yeah... There are a lot of strange things in the world.

Do you know, for example, where the quietest room in the world is? Or starfish can regenerate its limbs? or which creature melt in sun? Or in what town you can see the fish rain? Or what animal can clean its own ears with its tongue? Or who can write with both hand at same time?Or goat have rectangular pupils Or prairie dogs facts Oh, the world is such an amazing place! And just because we grow up, it doesn’t mean that our curiosity about the world around us goes away!
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