This is something I wanted to put out of my chest for several months now.
I'm truly sorry for what I'm about to say. I struggled to write this out without dazing off into unnecessary details, so please bear with me.
For all of you who have been waiting for the MM11 8-bit album that I hyped up 2 years ago, I'm sad to say that it will be cancelled. I don't know if whether this is just for an indefinite time, or done for good.
Various circumstances led me to come to this decision:
-I've been gradually losing more interest in making 8-bit, 16-bit music, etc. due to my own insecurity of living up to my audience's standards. The more I tried to work on the album, the more it felt like a chore and not something for fun. It is unhealthy for me to the point that I get anxiety attacks when I get reminded of that project.
-My not-so-good stance with the chiptune community in general. A lot of sour experiences (which are my own fault) resulted in me losing passion to make chiptune as a whole. It took a toll on my capabilities to improve and push myself further with that medium, and that's why I've been dabbling in non-chiptune music production as of late 2019.
-Forcing myself to stick to one franchise for my content has drained me a lot. I keep trying to appease to my audience that the lack of variety made me lose motivation most of the time.
And speaking of chiptune. I have come to terms that I don't want it to be the main focus of my channel anymore. I will still do the requests that I have in my backlog, but after that, it's only reserved for a super secret project that I'm a part of. I will start focusing on advanced music production.
I'm sorry if this news has disappointed you a lot. I should've known better that I shouldn't make empty promises. I don't expect to get a lot of support from this, as I feel that my reputation is just barely standing at this point.
If you came only for the type of content that I mentioned above, I advise you to unsubscribe. No hard feelings.
If you still want to stick around and see me in my future endeavors, then that means a whole lot to me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.