
Wondering why there are so many sink holes world-wide? The Bible has forewarned!!!

Wondering why there are so many sink holes world-wide? The Bible has forewarned!!! Isaiah 5:14 Therefore hath hell enlarged her soul, and opened her mouth without any bounds, and their strong ones, and their people, and their high and glorious ones shall go down into it.

Habakkuk 2:5 And as wine deceiveth him that drinketh it: so shall the proud man be, and he shall not be honoured: who hath enlarged his desire like hell: and is himself like death, and he is never satisfied: but will gather together unto him all nations, and heap together unto him all people.

All Biblical verses are from Duay Rheims American, 1899 edition.

This video is about the connection between sink holes and eternal Hellfire. We pray that those who have fallen victims to sink holes but survived, may awake and see the truth that death can befall very suddenly and swiftly since it comes like a thief in the night. Life is likened to a morning dew: you see it now, next, it's gone. O vanity of vanities, all is vanity, only grasping for the wind! Yea, Pray that their spiritual eyes will be wide opened and their minds will perceive that while God is extremely rich in mercy, He is still the God of justice. As such, God hates wickedness, perversions, filthiness, corruptions and rebellions since He is absolutely Holy and Perfect. That is why the vendetta of Hell will overtake the wicked, murderous, lying and tyrannical souls by swallowing them up eternally. Prophet Isaiah had prophesied that Hell would enlarge its mouth even wider and ever ready to swallow up the wicked ones nearer to the Day of Harvesting. Thus, procrastinate no more, as the Lamb of God is also ever ready to embrace all those who have a contrite heart. "Son, give me your heart," thus saith the Lord.

Indeed, Hell is not a state, but a literal place where the lost souls are imprisoned and tormented eternally. There are no wild parties, no drugs, no strong drink, no alcohol, no sex, no alibis, no buddies, no gangs, no masters, no slaves, no cronies, no friends, no relatives, no pompousness of vainglorious powers, no bombs to kill someone, no machine guns, no knives, no swords, no weapons at all, no crafty schemes, no evil plots, no time for evil whispering, no uprisings, no retaliations, no chance for repentance, no salvation ever etc but pitch darkness, stenches, smells of rotten corpses, immeasurable pains for the souls, tortures by the dogs and worms that die not, unbearable heat and scorching fire in nakedness etc. It is every soul for herself/himself as there is no help from anyone. While in this world, one can bully, oppress, repress, suppress and kill mercilessly the innocent ones using notorious political brutish forces, but in Hell, the dogs are after his/her naked body every second. As the wicked ones have defiled their bodies to be murderous and adulterous, Hell will provide them the foulest and the most unbearable smells ever. Ammonia is no comparison to those stinks and stenches.The Bible calls Hell, eternal fire, lake of fire where the souls are drown, outer darkness where the worms die not and gnashing of teeth, cast away chaffs to be burnt, a place of sulfur, fire and brimstone, bottomless pits, wide gate to perdition, Gehenna (as torments are applicable) for punishing the individuals using multiple categorical degrees of sins as committed etc. Now, do you know why the imprisoned souls there are screaming, weeping, gnashing of teeth and howling without cessation? Horrifying? Lord have mercy!

Remember, if your master or your "saint" is an antichrist, both the master and the servant will fall into the ditch as seen in this video. It is the blind leading the blind thus the repercussion is deadly - eternal damnation.

Thanks for watching. In Christ, Amen.

Note: All credits go the originators of the music, video clips and pictures. Thanks a lot.


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