In this video we share with you the costs of living in a sailboat in French Polynesia.
We show how much we pay for food, fuel, marina, laundry, internet, and many other monthly expenses. If you are considering coming to French Polynesia I hope this video helps you to plan your expenses.
We've been living here on a Budget aboard our sailboat for nearly a year now and we can tell: this place is worth the money!
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Thanks so much for watching and subscribing to our channel, welcome aboard!
VÃdeos with English Subs:
Who are we?
We are a Brazilian couple who have been sailing the world for the past 4 years, we left from South Brazil aboard our first sailboat, a small 32ft classic boat, Unforgettable! With little or no experience we learned a lot along the way and we keep learning more and more every day. 4 years and 15k NM later we are in our 3rd boat, Unforgettable 3, yep, life is full of surprises! We are currently in French Polynesia, exploring this amazing land, or sea, and sharing our adventures and experiences with you every Monday trough these videos made with love.
We believe in an alternative lifestyle, closer to nature (where we all came from) and the importance of having dreams and pursuing them, because you're the only one that can make it happen.
We've been broken a few times along the way, we get tired of things breaking all the time and being so vulnerable to natures will, but we really love living on the sea and sharing the reality of life aboard with you.
When we started our youtube channel Unforgettable Sailing we had no idea we would meet so many people from different places and see so many beautiful cultures, we produced more than 100 videos in Portuguese, some subtitled to English, and now we felt the need to connect with more people and grown even more our great community, include these people we had the pleasure to meet onboard so we recently started to produce our videos fully in English.
Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy making it!
Fair Winds
With Love
Georgia & Diego
Unforgettable 3
#sailboatliving #howmuch