
Top 10 Countries by share of World Manufacturing output 1970 - 2018

Top 10 Countries by share of World Manufacturing output 1970 - 2018 Here’s a new animated “bar chart race” visualization showing the world’s top ten manufacturing nations by share of global manufacturing output from 1970 to 2018 using data from the statistics division of the United Nations.

En Español:
Aquí hay una nueva visualización animada de la "carrera de gráficos de barras" que muestra las diez principales naciones manufactureras del mundo por participación de la producción manufacturera global de 1970 a 2018 utilizando datos de la división de estadísticas de las Naciones Unidas.

1. The USSR was the world’s second-largest manufacturing nation from 1970 until it was surpassed by Japan in 1983, which rose to the No. 2 position.

2. After overtaking Russia in 1983, Japan quickly rose as a manufacturing powerhouse and almost overtook the USA by the mid-1990s including in 1993 when Japan produced 22.1% of world output vs. 22.9% for the USA and in 1995 when Japan produced 22.0% of the world’s manufacturing vs. USA’s 22.2% share.

3. China’s rise to become one of the world’s top manufacturers started in the mid-1990s after a long period of producing a fairly stable share of only 3-4% of the world’s factory output from 1970 to 1995. By 1996, China was out-producing both Italy and France for the first time and outproduced Germany starting in 2001 before surpassing Japan in 2007 and the USA in 2010.

4. Despite falling to the No. 2 position behind China in 2010, the USA is still a global manufacturing powerhouse and produced more manufacturing output in 2018 ($2.32 trillion) than No. 3 Japan, No. 4 Germany and No. 5 Korea combined ($2.27 trillion) and more than No. 4 Germany, No. 5 Korea, No. 6 India, No. 7 Italy, and No. 8 France combined ($2.26 trillion).

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