
What I've Been Doing Recently (BIG Change)

What I've Been Doing Recently (BIG Change) Where have I been? I made a new video for you explaining where I've been, what I've been doing, and why the future of will never be the same again. Full video here:


You might have noticed I've been quiet recently...

No weekly blog videos, no daily emails, no social posts, no live-stream Q&A's, no nothing... Just silence... For 90+ days...

The question is: What have I been doing?

I made a new video for you explaining where I've been, what I've been doing, and why the future of will never be the same again.

It's an honest, unscripted, behind-the-scenes look at the messy process of change. Why did I need to change things? How did I change things? What was the cost of change? And how can you change things in your own life?

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments?

Here's the link to the full video:


1. What I've been doing + why I have long hair + a hat

2. Breaking my sacred routine to focus on creativity

3. Why efficiency/productivity is the enemy of creativity/creation

4. Why I made a crazy video with death metal in it (and lots of cuts)

5. Why I started using an Android after 10-years with iPhone

6. Our new crazy office with a zebra, dolphin, beach, and jungle in it

7. Core values, principles, and facing the harsh truth that our business wasn't as "student obsessed" as we thought (and how we're fixing it)

8. Focusing on your team VS being in the spotlight (big observations)

9. Advertising is like sex, only losers pay for it (the end of advertising?)

10. Jumping S Curves (Innovator's dilemma, why legacy is Achilles heel)

11. Identifying my weaknesses: Hiring, leadership, management + what I'm doing to turn these into strengths (and how you can too)

12. What's going to happen / what to expect in the future...

Yeah... All that is jammed into this little video. High signal, low noise.

If you're an entrepreneur (or want to become one) this video will show you how to find a balance between order and chaos + stay ahead of the curve.

Here's the link to the full blog post:

To Your Success!

Sam Ovens & the team at

C'mon over to where we answer your follow-up questions after the episode and provide the full mp3 as well as the transcript AND FREE TOOLS! 

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Thanks for watching! 



Jumping S Curves,Daily routines,Productivity,Efficiency VS Creativity,Innovator's Dilemma,

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