The masks of Ego are defense mechanisms or “stories” to keep us limited, uncreative, predictable, dumbed down, fleeced, disconnected, and separate so we can be like everybody else and fit into a superficial world. No one wants to be different. We might miss out on (FOMO Alert!) the superficial mass consciousness if we dared to be different and say what we really want to say.
Only certain professions are allowed to get real with us such as coaches, counsellors, some teachers, and doctors. Their job is to teach/counsel people for money what they could have and probably should have learned in grade school if our systems modeled and supported healthy feelings-based communication.
Does anyone else wish they could spontaneously tell people what they like or don't like in the moment without it being too dangerous to express honestly and openly? Does anyone else wish for more talking intimacy? Does anyone else feel let down that a transactional-based relational system keeps personal and professional communication in relationships on the level of commerce?
Commerce is buying and selling for skewed values. Prices aren’t fixed, they are made up, manipulated, and manufactured by those in control of the service or commodity. When we cut people off from their true feelings, wants and needs, we then use money to substitute and replace those suppressed emotions. We use money to represent our emotional investment in experiences, objects, and people. We objectify people through our intentions behind giving or receiving money. We use money to tell people how much they are valued or not valued.
For example, the tipping system in the USA and the semi-conscious inner dialogue over what to tip the waiter. “i.e. the waiter was cute/nice, I’ll tip him/her an extra dollar. The waiter was not cute/nice, I’ll withhold a dollar.” Getting off on determining someone’s worth, their “price” as a substitute for true worthiness, intimacy, and honoring the divine Spirit within each of us. Have you ever questioned why some professions are tipped and others not?
We are afraid of words. We are afraid of getting real. We are afraid of going direct to Spirit, which is open to hearing new information, loves spontaneous dialogue, doesn’t take anything too seriously, but knows the intent behind every word, thought, and deed. When we hold back vital information coming from Spirit out of fear of how it will be taken, we do disservice to ourselves, Spirt, and the Spirit in Others. Relating through masks of fake emotional constructs produces superficial relationships where everyone gets bored eventually.
I wish we could all get real with people without paying for it or getting paid for it. Bribery is boring. I wish there were more humanistic intimacy in the world between friends, employers-employees, partners, parents-children, etc. Our potential is so great, yet our systems are so limiting. Anything that reinforces personal fears, sensitivities, hang-ups, and defending ego structures/shadow aspects over genuine communication and authenticity keeps us limited and keeps us in lower levels of consciousness.
Emotional intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence that could have been taught and reinforced from an early age is relegated to the purview of the paid counseling/coaching and “healthcare” industries to remediate in older adults.
We need new and better NORMS for New Earth. We need new and better SYSTEMS for New Earth. We need to see our LEADERS role modeling best practices in communication due to their elite status and the visible positions of influence they occupy.
Honoring the Divinity Within the Collective,
Krista Sage,
Independent Missionary
Advocate & Ascension Guide
#HealthyRelationships #Authenticity #Communication
Unscripted download.