
Your #1 HIDDEN Survival Muscle... That You Didn't Know You Have! | SBD Ep 32

Your #1 HIDDEN Survival Muscle... That You Didn't Know You Have! | SBD Ep 32 Listen to the FULL Episode on iTunes:

The #1 Muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Fat

How many hours a week are you sitting?

Are you doing anything to combat the damage that sitting is causing you?

Tune in to this episode of Strong By Design as Coach Chris and Coach Brian discuss the 'hidden survival muscle' that most people don't know they have and what is actually going on in your body as you spend countless hours sitting each week.

It's the ONLY muscle that truly connects the upper body to the lower body... connecting the base of the spine to the top of the femur!

Find out how you can reverse these damaging effects with the “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” routine.

"If we're in the woods and a bear starts attacking us, we're going to crunch up in a tiny ball... From a seated position [fetal position] your body barely differentiates between true panic or just everyday routine... " -Coach Brian

FREE Download - Why Stretching Won't Make You Flexible

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