
Victor Rosenthal, Infection Preventionist I Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Victor Rosenthal, Infection Preventionist I Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition Victor Rosenthal, an infection preventionist and Founder of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) shares his efforts and personal commitment to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

As a supporter of the Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition (ARFC), he works to increase awareness of AMR and encourage action. Listen to his inspiring story and consider joining the ARFC to help combat the risk of antimicrobial/antibiotic resistance โ€“ because all of us can be resistance fighters.

The Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition aspires to change behaviors across the globe that will maintain the effectiveness of antibiotics for future generations via education, training, and partnerships that recognize and amplify the efforts of coalition supporters.

Learn more at

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Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition,AMR,antimicrobial resistance,antibiotic resistance,superbug,superbugs,antibiotics,tuberculosis,

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